Monday, February 23, 2015

C4C Summary for February

Comments 4 Kids Logo

February 8, 2015

      Ashley is a student in Mr. Boylen's 7th Grade Lit Class. She wrote a blog about the synopsis of a book called "Deep, Dark and Dangerous".  Her synopsis stated that "the book was very good".  According to Ashley the book had a " great mystery twist , that made you want to keep reading" and  "she would recommend this book for anybody who loves a good mystery/thriller."

 I replied to Ashley's post by  telling her that I think she did a great job on her synopsis of the book and I loved a good mystery book with a twist also. One suggestion that I would give her, would be look in the thesaurus for other word choice ideas.

February 15, 2015

    Jamarr T. is a student in Mr. Boylen's 8th Grade LA Class.  His most recent blog posted on February 5th was a video about Conjunctions.  Jamarr and his two friends Tyler and Samson had to tell what conjunctions were and use examples of conjunctions in a sentence. They used the acronym FAN BOYS to help other students remember what the conjunctions were. 
Below is my reply to Jamarr's Post: 

Hi Jamarr, my name is Janelle! I am a college student in EDM 310 at the University of South Alabama. I really enjoyed your video regarding conjunctions. You and your friends did a great job explaining the definition of conjunctions. I think the acronym FAN BOYS is a great way to help other students remember the conjunctions. 

Feb 10, 2015, 1:50pm

February 22, 2015 

     This week, I had to comment on Kathleen's Blog. She is an Eighth Grade Student student in Ms. Leatherwood's Language Arts Class.  On February 20th, she wrote a letter to her dad. This letter was sad because her dad passed away almost 11 years ago.  In this letter, she discussed: her accomplishments , what she liked to do, how she missed him, and how she knew that he was looking down on her and was her guardian angel. 
Below is my reply to Kathleen's Post: 

Janelle Owens (Guest)

Hi Kathleen,
My name is Janelle Owens, and I am student in EDM 310 at the University of South Alabama. I really admire you for your post. It made me cry. You should be very proud of your accomplishments. I know that you will go far. Keep your head up and never give up. Your dad would be very proud of you. I know he is watching over you, even though he is not physically here.
If you want to follow me, here is my blog address:

March 1, 2015

This week I had to comment on Rachel's Blog Post. She is a  student in Mrs. Maslowski's High School Class in Illinois. 
This week the students in Mrs. Maslowski's class had to pick an important/inspirational figure from the Black History Month Photo Challenge Poster. They then had to find an image and write a reflection of why that person is such an influential person in Black History. 
Rachel picked Beyonce as an Influential Black Musician. She explained that Beyonce " provided such inspirational music and that she helped a lot of charities, and that nothing could stop her." "People all over the world, like listening to her music." 
Here is my reply to Rachel's Post: 

Hi Rachel,
My name is Janelle Owens and I am a student in EDM310 at the University of South Alabama. I really enjoyed reading your post about Black History Month. You explained why Beyonce was an important figure in Black History and some great things she has done for charity. Beyonce seems to be a good role model for people to look up to. I like listening to her music as well. This week I will be posting to my blog about my Comments 4 Kids. You can follow me at :

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