Sunday, February 8, 2015

Blog Post #4

kids asking questions, says Smart Kids Ask Questions

What Kind of Questions Do We Ask?  How Do We Ask? 

     Asking questions in a classroom is a very important process for learning. It is very important that you ask questions the correct way.  A lot of times according to Ben Johnson, teachers ask " Do you all understand?" teachers are really saying " this is your last chance to make sure you understand and if you don't, I am moving on to the next subject anyway."  "Teachers think that since they gave the student a fair chance to answer, they are absolve from any lack of understanding."
     Ben Johnson also states that "Kids figure out who is smart and who is not, and who doesn't care by the first few weeks of school. " The "smart" kids will always raise their hands just to answer even if it wrong. The other kids won't take the "bait". Many teachers defend this practice because they think that the "students having difficulties" will learn from the "smart kids" when actually this is untrue. The "kids that have difficulty or don't care are just daydreaming anyway."
      According to Joanne Chelsey in Asking Better Questions in the Classroom"Closed ended questions don't allow the student to go very deep in the thinking process. They can usually be answered in a few short words or phrases."  "Open Ended Questions provide multiple answers and provide active learning."  
    In reference to why we need to ask Open Ended Questions, lets look at 12 objects from Asking Questions to Improve Learning
1, To access learning
2. Ask a student to clarify a vague statement. 
3. To prompt a student to explore: attitudes, values, and feelings. 
4. To prompt students to see a concept from another perspective 
5. Ask student to refine a statement or idea. 
6. Prompt students to support their assertions and interpretations. 
7. To direct students to respond to one another.
8. To prompt students to investigate a tough process.
9. To ask students to predict possible outcomes.
10. Prompt students to connect and organize information.
11. To ask students to apply a principle or formula.
12  To ask students to illustrate a concept with an example.
     There are several strategies that you can use with questioning. One technique would be "Think, Pair, Share".  Other techniques that you could use would be: "Random Calling, Surveying, Student Calling, Value Feedback, and Extending". 
"Once you ask a question, pause for a few seconds and let the students think about the answer and then probe their minds. Also try to extend a response that another child gave. "
In Andi Sticks Video Open Ended Questions, she gave some examples of ways you could use "Open Ended Questions". Some examples she gave of ways to ask students open ended questions would be: 
"For what reasons?"
 "In what ways?"
 "Describe Detail"
 "Explain Detail"
 "Generate a List"
     I think that using these strategies provided in these videos would help students have a better understanding of questions. It wold also improve their learning by provided more elaborate detail. 

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