April 5, 2015
This week I had to comment on Mr. Stumpenhorst Blog Post. This week Mr. Stumpenhorst discussed how" all teachers start off wanting to inspire kids and change their lives. Then however, over time the pressures of things like: testing, evaluations, administration, parents, legislation and the laundry list of things, which
ultimately stand in the way of teachers doing their jobs. They break a teacher down. Some teachers are prepared emotionality and mentally to handle the pressure. But at some point, we all have a breaking point. We don't offer enough support and shelter to help these teachers.
We must be better to our teachers, especially our new ones, if
want them to withstand the weathering of a career in education."
Janelle Owens
1 second ago - Shared publiclyApril 12, 2015
This week I had to comment on Mr. Warlick's blog post. His post this week discusses the future of a classroom. In this article, Mr. Warlick discusses how a college students asks this veteran English Teacher about his future in teaching public school. This teacher believes that in the future there will be a "virtual school" with a "super teacher".
Mr. Warlick believes that the main purpose of education is to teach the student to "learn", and prepare them for adult life. One of his quotes states "But if its purpose is to prepare our children for adult life, then the job of the teacher is to help learners to understand what they've Googled and develop the essential literacy skills and habits of questioning, analyzing and assigning context to the Googled information." Ending his blog, he states that "teachers need to learn and relearn" as things change. "This is the notion of expertise that teachers need to model and that students need to see every day, the essential and constant practice of contextual learning-skills / learning-literacies."
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