Monday, March 30, 2015

Summary C4K - March

March  10, 2015

This week I had comment on Taylor's blog. She is a sophomore in Ms. Maslowski's Class. She had to post to her blog five pieces of advice to future high school students.   Here is what Taylor wrote: " To all of the incoming freshman for the class of 2019 you will enjoy high school if you make the most of it.  If you’re in a sport, keep doing that sport don’t stop!  It may be harder now since it’s high school and there are more people going to try out to make the team, but you have to try regardless.  If there is a home football game or basketball game, go to it!  Have fun get a group of friends and go have fun and show your school spirit, I promise you will have a blast.  You will have many more options once you’re in high school and you will love it.  The work may get harder at times but you can’t get unfocused, your grades are still important.  If you need help with anything in class just tell your teacher and talk to them!  They will gladly help you out, it may be high school but the teachers will still help you as much as they can as long as you put in effort also.  High school can be the best or worst years of your life, but that all depends on what you make of those 4 years.  You can join a new club or sport, you can make tons of new friends or lose old ones.  Either way enjoy high school you only get to experience it once so make the most of it!"

  1. My name is Janelle Owens and I am student in EDM 310 at the University of South Alabama. I will be posting to my blog regarding my viewing and commenting to your blog. You can see my blog at: it will be posted on March 29, 2015.
    You gave some great advice to future high school students. School is very important and most anywhere that I know that you go to find a job, wants you to have a high school diploma. Students need to know that they can go to teachers, if they need help. Don’t be afraid to talk to them. Meeting new friends is a great thing. I know I was very shy in high school, but I was glad that I made great friends. Just make sure they are the right kind of friends that provide a good influence.
    Good luck , you have a great attitude and I know that you will accomplish great things!

     March 22, 2015

    This week I had to comment on Tyler's blog.  He is a student in Ms. Maslowski's Class.   This week he had reflect on the PLAN Test, and how they prepared.  They had to explain their feelings through this process, and give advice to others who have to take this test.  Here is what Tyler wrote in his blog:
    "The PLAN test is very important because colleges will look at those scores. The most important test, however, is the ACT or the SAT. On testing day it is very important to eat a good and healthy breakfast before arriving at school. There are 4 tests that you will take, the Math, Reading, English, and Science. You will a different amount of time for each test. For the English test, the two most important things to remember is to look for patterns and take educated guesses it you do not know the answer. The reading test you get a short period of time to read three passages. You should read the questions first, then look for the answers in the story. This will take less time, therefore, helping you finish the whole portion of that test. The math test is very easy. You do not even have to use a calculator. The science test is easy as long as you remember to look back at the experiments that were given to you. Overall the most important thing to do is to relax and not rush through the test." 

    Janelle Owens on said:

    My name is Janelle Owens and I am student in EDM 310 at the University of South Alabama. I will be posting to my blog regarding my viewing and commenting to your blog. You can review my blog at: . My comments will be posted on March 29, 2015.
    You gave some really important advice regarding preparing for the PLAN Test. Eating a good breakfast is always a good idea no matter if you are preparing for a test or if you are just getting ready for school. I think the other most important advice that you gave was taking your time and do not rush through the test. You tend to do better when you take your time and think about what you are doing and not just put an answer down so that you can get through. Good luck , keep a positive attitude and never give up!

    March 29, 2015

    Gabi T is a seventh grade student in Mrs. Lombard's English Class. She had to write a book review about a book she read called SO B IT. She said that it is about a girl who is trying to find out who she really is from taking a look in her past. The book is a parent choice 
     award winner. She said her favorite part is when she found where she came from.
    Janelle (Guest) Your comment is awaiting moderation.

    My name is Janelle Owens and I am a student in EDM 310 at the University of South Alabama. You did a great job explaining what SO B IT was about and why you liked it. I love a good mystery book.
    I will be posting to my blog about my comments on your blog next week.
    Good luck and always do your best! :)

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