Sunday, March 22, 2015

Blog Post 9

Seven Steps of Project Based Learning

What Can Teachers and Students Teach Us About Project Based Learning?
In Seven Essentials for Project Based Learning  there is two criteria that a project needs. 
1. Students must perceive the work as personally meaningful, as a task that matters and that they want to do well.
2. A meaningful project fulfills an educational purpose. Well-designed and well-implemented project-based learning is meaningful in both ways.
 There are seven essential "elements in a good project. 
1. A need to know: This is also called an "entry" event. The teacher uses some kind of "event" to engage the student. It can be a : video , guest speaker, or scenario. This gives the student meaning to why it is important to what they are learning. 
2. A Driving Question:  They have to have a purpose or a meaning for the project.
3. Student Voice and Choice: Teachers should design these projects that fits their student needs but the student should have a choice.  The student could decide the topic and driving question but the teacher could limit the resources so that they students  don't get overwhelmed. 
4. 21st Century Skills : This  allows students to build on things like: collaboration, communication, rubrics, and technology. 
5. Inquiry and Innovation: Students begin researching from their own questions and find answers based on these questions. 
6. Feedback and Revision: In addition to feedback the teacher should encourage students to use rubrics or other criteria to critique each others work. Teacher can have experts or adult mentors to provide feedback. This can be very meaningful
7. A Publicly Presented Product: If they present their project to a real audience, they put forth more effort and care more about it.

Common Core Standards is the what: rigorous content, aligned with college and work expectations, clear and understandable, application of knowledge, evidence based
Project Based Learning is the how: inquiry based, open ended, problem-solving, and personalized
While meeting standards and creating an authentic project students learn: collaboration skills, communication skills, critical thinking skills, career and life skills. 
Think of Project Based Learning as: Questioning, Investigating, Sharing, Reflecting, and Technology plays a big part.Students take charge of their learning.
I really like the quote by Einstein " I never teach my pupils, I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they learn. "
Project Based Learning Includes: Having a Question, Addressing an Audience, Crafting a driving questions, identify learning standards, creating a rubric, grouping students, meet deadlines, brainstorming branching questions, focus on the process, refine end product.
Students have a voice and a choice. 

In PBL What Motivates Students Today 
 In this video students tell what motivates them and then  later discuss what reward systems they like. This video gave me some good ideas. It is very interesting to see what motivates students and see what kind of rewards that like like.

 Project Based Learning in PE
In this video high school students are challenged to come up with a fitness program for middle school students using the six standards of  physical education.  I found this to be very fascinating idea, and think it would work well in a classroom. 

In the video High School Teachers Meet the Challenges of PBL Implementation teachers are re advising the curriculum they already have and transforming all the classes into PBL.  They feel that it will keep the students more engaged in the curriculum being taught. Teachers figure out how they can make PBL fit into the course they are teaching. 

I feel that project based learning is a great way to keep student engaged in learning.  You have to think outside the box and get creative. Then later , you need to have a reflection time to see what worked well, and what needs to be changed. 

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