Monday, March 30, 2015

Summary C4K - March

March  10, 2015

This week I had comment on Taylor's blog. She is a sophomore in Ms. Maslowski's Class. She had to post to her blog five pieces of advice to future high school students.   Here is what Taylor wrote: " To all of the incoming freshman for the class of 2019 you will enjoy high school if you make the most of it.  If you’re in a sport, keep doing that sport don’t stop!  It may be harder now since it’s high school and there are more people going to try out to make the team, but you have to try regardless.  If there is a home football game or basketball game, go to it!  Have fun get a group of friends and go have fun and show your school spirit, I promise you will have a blast.  You will have many more options once you’re in high school and you will love it.  The work may get harder at times but you can’t get unfocused, your grades are still important.  If you need help with anything in class just tell your teacher and talk to them!  They will gladly help you out, it may be high school but the teachers will still help you as much as they can as long as you put in effort also.  High school can be the best or worst years of your life, but that all depends on what you make of those 4 years.  You can join a new club or sport, you can make tons of new friends or lose old ones.  Either way enjoy high school you only get to experience it once so make the most of it!"

  1. My name is Janelle Owens and I am student in EDM 310 at the University of South Alabama. I will be posting to my blog regarding my viewing and commenting to your blog. You can see my blog at: it will be posted on March 29, 2015.
    You gave some great advice to future high school students. School is very important and most anywhere that I know that you go to find a job, wants you to have a high school diploma. Students need to know that they can go to teachers, if they need help. Don’t be afraid to talk to them. Meeting new friends is a great thing. I know I was very shy in high school, but I was glad that I made great friends. Just make sure they are the right kind of friends that provide a good influence.
    Good luck , you have a great attitude and I know that you will accomplish great things!

     March 22, 2015

    This week I had to comment on Tyler's blog.  He is a student in Ms. Maslowski's Class.   This week he had reflect on the PLAN Test, and how they prepared.  They had to explain their feelings through this process, and give advice to others who have to take this test.  Here is what Tyler wrote in his blog:
    "The PLAN test is very important because colleges will look at those scores. The most important test, however, is the ACT or the SAT. On testing day it is very important to eat a good and healthy breakfast before arriving at school. There are 4 tests that you will take, the Math, Reading, English, and Science. You will a different amount of time for each test. For the English test, the two most important things to remember is to look for patterns and take educated guesses it you do not know the answer. The reading test you get a short period of time to read three passages. You should read the questions first, then look for the answers in the story. This will take less time, therefore, helping you finish the whole portion of that test. The math test is very easy. You do not even have to use a calculator. The science test is easy as long as you remember to look back at the experiments that were given to you. Overall the most important thing to do is to relax and not rush through the test." 

    Janelle Owens on said:

    My name is Janelle Owens and I am student in EDM 310 at the University of South Alabama. I will be posting to my blog regarding my viewing and commenting to your blog. You can review my blog at: . My comments will be posted on March 29, 2015.
    You gave some really important advice regarding preparing for the PLAN Test. Eating a good breakfast is always a good idea no matter if you are preparing for a test or if you are just getting ready for school. I think the other most important advice that you gave was taking your time and do not rush through the test. You tend to do better when you take your time and think about what you are doing and not just put an answer down so that you can get through. Good luck , keep a positive attitude and never give up!

    March 29, 2015

    Gabi T is a seventh grade student in Mrs. Lombard's English Class. She had to write a book review about a book she read called SO B IT. She said that it is about a girl who is trying to find out who she really is from taking a look in her past. The book is a parent choice 
     award winner. She said her favorite part is when she found where she came from.
    Janelle (Guest) Your comment is awaiting moderation.

    My name is Janelle Owens and I am a student in EDM 310 at the University of South Alabama. You did a great job explaining what SO B IT was about and why you liked it. I love a good mystery book.
    I will be posting to my blog about my comments on your blog next week.
    Good luck and always do your best! :)

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Blog Post 10

Ms. Cassidy

I really enjoyed watching Ms. Cassidy's video's, and I feel that we can learn a lot about her approaches in the use of technology. In Ms. Cassidy's first video she discusses about her journey about getting started with technology. She worked and built it up over time. Her principals never discouraged her, but some were not as interested in using technology. She even tried to encourage her fellow teachers to participate in the use of technology. Some were very interested and some were set in their ways and did not want to change.
I feel that Ms. Cassidy made a valid point about how " Technology is not going to go away, and we can't use the same tools with this generation of kids as we used 20, 10, and 5 years ago. The world and technology are constantly changing. There are opportunities for online learning, ex: Twitter, Blogs, etc. If teachers do not use technology they are only handicapping the students and themselves."
Blogging is fun for the kids and students because they can: have an audience, see how many people visited their blog, comment/people comment back, and have a cluster map to see where all in the world(states, countries, and cities) people have seen/commented on their blog.
Ms. Cassidy feels that all teachers need to be technology literate. They have to keep learning and follow what is happening in technology today. There are plenty of ways to develop and online network, for example: Twitter, Facebook, and Blogging.
 In Part 2 of Ms. Cassidy's conversation she talks about how to expand your interest and use in technology. One of her ways is to find something that you are interested in and expand your growth by meeting her people. You can learn a lot.
 One of the things that stood out the most to me in the last video with Ms. Cassidy she discusses how to be safe on the internet. And that you have to teach them how to be safe on the internet.
I feel that I would like to start blogging in my classroom. One of the things that I am kind of concerned about in starting this, is the amount  of technology (computers, etc) available for the students.  I know that most schools have a computer lab with more computers available at a time. So if there was only a few in the classroom, students would have to rotate out.
Overall, I feel that technology is very important in the classroom and all teachers need to be technologically literate.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Blog Post 9

Seven Steps of Project Based Learning

What Can Teachers and Students Teach Us About Project Based Learning?
In Seven Essentials for Project Based Learning  there is two criteria that a project needs. 
1. Students must perceive the work as personally meaningful, as a task that matters and that they want to do well.
2. A meaningful project fulfills an educational purpose. Well-designed and well-implemented project-based learning is meaningful in both ways.
 There are seven essential "elements in a good project. 
1. A need to know: This is also called an "entry" event. The teacher uses some kind of "event" to engage the student. It can be a : video , guest speaker, or scenario. This gives the student meaning to why it is important to what they are learning. 
2. A Driving Question:  They have to have a purpose or a meaning for the project.
3. Student Voice and Choice: Teachers should design these projects that fits their student needs but the student should have a choice.  The student could decide the topic and driving question but the teacher could limit the resources so that they students  don't get overwhelmed. 
4. 21st Century Skills : This  allows students to build on things like: collaboration, communication, rubrics, and technology. 
5. Inquiry and Innovation: Students begin researching from their own questions and find answers based on these questions. 
6. Feedback and Revision: In addition to feedback the teacher should encourage students to use rubrics or other criteria to critique each others work. Teacher can have experts or adult mentors to provide feedback. This can be very meaningful
7. A Publicly Presented Product: If they present their project to a real audience, they put forth more effort and care more about it.

Common Core Standards is the what: rigorous content, aligned with college and work expectations, clear and understandable, application of knowledge, evidence based
Project Based Learning is the how: inquiry based, open ended, problem-solving, and personalized
While meeting standards and creating an authentic project students learn: collaboration skills, communication skills, critical thinking skills, career and life skills. 
Think of Project Based Learning as: Questioning, Investigating, Sharing, Reflecting, and Technology plays a big part.Students take charge of their learning.
I really like the quote by Einstein " I never teach my pupils, I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they learn. "
Project Based Learning Includes: Having a Question, Addressing an Audience, Crafting a driving questions, identify learning standards, creating a rubric, grouping students, meet deadlines, brainstorming branching questions, focus on the process, refine end product.
Students have a voice and a choice. 

In PBL What Motivates Students Today 
 In this video students tell what motivates them and then  later discuss what reward systems they like. This video gave me some good ideas. It is very interesting to see what motivates students and see what kind of rewards that like like.

 Project Based Learning in PE
In this video high school students are challenged to come up with a fitness program for middle school students using the six standards of  physical education.  I found this to be very fascinating idea, and think it would work well in a classroom. 

In the video High School Teachers Meet the Challenges of PBL Implementation teachers are re advising the curriculum they already have and transforming all the classes into PBL.  They feel that it will keep the students more engaged in the curriculum being taught. Teachers figure out how they can make PBL fit into the course they are teaching. 

I feel that project based learning is a great way to keep student engaged in learning.  You have to think outside the box and get creative. Then later , you need to have a reflection time to see what worked well, and what needs to be changed. 

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Blog Post 8

Randy Pausch

There are ten life lessons that we can learn from Randy Paunch:
  1. Decide if you are a Tiger or an Eeyore.
  2. People are more important than things.
  3. Never underestimate the importance of having fun.
  4. Work and play well with others.
  5. Live with integrity.
  6. Tell the truth.
  7. Apologize properly.
  8. If you wait long enough, anyone will show you their good side.
  9.  Show gratitude. 
  10. Don't complain just work harder. 
 I learned from Randy Paunch that "you need to have specific dreams. Critics are there to show you that they love and care about you. If you mess up and nobody says anything to you, than they gave up on you. Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted. "
"Brick walls are there for a reason. The brick walls are not to keep us out. The brick walls are there to show how badly we want something. Brick walls are there to stop people who don't want it badly enough. They are there to stop the other people. "Listening to their advice is the hard part."
"Don't put the "bar" anywhere on students because you don't know what they will do. Keep pushing them. Best gift an educator can give is to get someone to become self reflective. "
"The best way to teach somebody something is make them think they are learning something else.  Kids need to have fun, when learning something hard. "
"Don't complain and work hard. Be good at something and it makes you valuable.
Showing gratitude is one of the simplest yet most powerful things humans can do for each other."
I must say at first I was skeptical because the video was so long, but I am glad I was able to experience watching it. He had a great outlook on life, and it has changed my outlook and ways of thinking. 

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Comment 4 Teachers #2

This week I had to comment on Mr. Warlick's blog post entitled 2¢ Worth .  His most recent blog posted on February 5, 2015 was entitled " A Nation in Decline".  This blog post is about how his state of North Carolina is awaiting the grade by the State Board of Education.  This grade which is calculated from a A-F is 80% based on Standardized Test Scores. Also, in Mr. Warlick's post he comments about how "state lawmakers are wanting to improve public schools, but he wonders if their motive is really just so that parents can judge their community school."  He goes on to say that he is concerned because at the same time, they "continue to cut materials and teachers".  What shocked me was the statistics he put up from an  October 2013 NC Policy Watch article after the Board of Education made cuts. "The cuts totaled 364 teachers, 901 teacher assistants, and $8,226,774 for textbooks and instructional materials."
     He quotes in his post about how in the NC Policy Watch in October of 2013 says "The number of students who received free lunch, outnumbers those that do not receive it."
      He concludes with a statement made by SEF Vice President Steve Suitts which states that :
    “No longer can we consider the problems and needs of low income students simply a matter of fairness…  Their success or failure in the public schools will determine the entire body of human capital and educational potential that the nation will possess in the future. Without improving the educational support that the nation provides its low income students – students with the largest needs and usually with the least support — the trends of the last decade will be prologue for a nation not at risk, but a nation in decline…”
     This is happening in all the states, not just in North Carolina. If we don't make changes, education will start to "decline". 
My comment to Mr. Warlick's Post:
        I agree with you completely on this subject. In today's society everything is based on standardized testing. It is a lot of pressure on the students and the teacher. If the students don't succeed the teacher could potentially lose their job. They cut funding and materials and expect teachers and students to function on the same level as they did before. I agree with Mr. Suitts "If there is no change in education, their will be a decline."

February 22, 2015
       This week Mr. Warlick's Blog Post was entitled I Just Learned a New Word.  His blog post discussed how he was writing a book about "The History of Educational Technology."   He discussed how  he learned a new word called "mesofacts". Mesofacts are " facts when learned seem to be dependable long term truths, when in truth are likely to change in a lifetime and every few years." According to an article written by Samuel Arbesman in a Harvard Business Review Article "mesofacts are more common than we realize, and how much we are making students memorize will not be true in adulthood and may even be problematic." To Mr. Warlick this confirms something he heard a few years ago " Any question whose answer can be goggled, should not be on any test. Another quote he posted was from John Dewey which states  "  If we teach today’s students as we taught yesterday’s we rob them of their tomorrow. Mr. Warlick learned another new word called scientometrics.  Scientometrics is the study of the shape of how knowledge grows and spreads through a population.
 My reply to Mr. Warlick's blog post:
 Mr. Warlick
     My name is Janelle Owens and I am student in EDM310 at the University of South Alabama. I have been following your blog post over the last two weeks. I will be posting this week to My Blog about my visits.
 I agree with you on this subject. Things are constantly changing. The way students are learning is constantly changing. As teachers, we need to embrace these changes and teach our students accordingly. 

      In Mr. Warlick's Post 20 Mbps & We’re Still Searching for the Same Stuff  he discusses how as he was working on his book about Technology in the History of Education, he came across a presentation and on the opening slides he discussed how "American's are still researching the same things as they did 14 years ago. It is always about video games, sports, entertainment with a peppering of world-shaping issues."
My response to Mr. Warlick's post:
     Mr. Warlick,
     My name is Janelle Owens and I am student in EDM310 at the University of South Alabama. I feel that American's will always focus on the same issues. It will always be about the latest game console, Sports, Entertainment, and News. It has not changed in 14 years, and I feel that it will never change and it will always be that way.

March 15, 2015
     Mr. Warlick's post this week was about how he was suppose to attend a technology conference. He discussed about how "personalized learning has become a new phase wrapped by technology." He got a tweet from Brandy Reader about  how "2015 was great so far, getting ready to program a robot."

 Mr Warlick,
My name is Janelle Owens and I am student in EDM 310 at the University of South Alabama. I will be posting this week to my blog about my interaction/ comments on your blog. You can find my blog at:
Sounds like you had a lot of fun at your conference. Everything has become so technological advanced lately. Schools are becoming more advanced in technology every day. Teaching and Learning definitely isn't the same as it use to be. When I was going to school all we had was chalkboards, pencils, and books. Now students are using : I Pads, Smart Boards, Blogger, and programing robots.