Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Blog Post 3

screen shot describing student feedback

      I believe that these videos and slide shows gave excellent advice on providing meaningful feedback to peers. In the second slide show presentation  Peer Editing with Perfection Tutorial it gives advice on meaningful peer feedback. First, let us think about what is a peer? A peer is someone your own age. Now, we need to think about what does it mean when we edit ? Editing involves making suggestions, comments , compliments, and changes in writing. Peer editing is working with someone your own age usually in your class to help improve, revise, and edit his/her writing. There are three steps in peer editing. The first thing to always remember before you start providing feedback is always remain positive. 
     The first step in peer editing is always start your peer editing with a compliment, ex: My favorite part was____________ because..... or I like it when you use the word __ ________.  The second step in peer editing is making suggestions. Making suggestions means to give the author specific ideas about how to make his/her writing better.  An example would be: Instead of saying it doesn't make sense, you might would say if you add more detail after the sentence it would be more clear. Some other topics that you could make suggestions on would be: word choice, using detail, organization, sentences, and topic.  The third step in peer editing is making corrections. Making corrections is where you check spelling, grammar, punctuation, and sentences. Remember to stay positive and be specific!
      In the last video Writing a Peer Review: Top 10 Mistakes it discusses ten mistakes to avoid when peer editing. The first mistake is being to picky.  Don't try to correct every little thing about that person's blog. The second mistake is not caring about what your peers are suggesting. They are trying to help you  become a better writer, so you need to listen to the feedback they are providing. The third mistake is being to social.  Don't interrupt them and don't talk to others while they are providing their feedback.The fourth mistake is being to general with your comments. You need to be specifically clear about what you are suggesting that person needs to correct. The fifth mistake is being mean. You need to make sure that you are positive. Think about how you would feel if someone was telling you about what you needed to improve in your own writing. The sixth mistake is being too loud. When giving a person feedback, you need to keep the tone in moderate form, the person is sitting right next to you. The seventh mistake is being pushy. Make sure when you are giving your feedback that your suggestions are not too pushy. The eighth mistake is being off task. When you are giving feedback, make sure you are staying on the topic of the paper and not steering off topic talking about something irrelevant.  The ninth mistake is being to speedy about your feedback. You need to take your time and make sure that person understands the feedback that you are giving them, don't just hurry through to get done. The tenth and final mistake is getting defensive when someone is offering you feedback. They are trying to help you become a better writer and you need to accept the feedback in a positive way so that you can grow. 
      Students need to know how to: compliment, give feedback, edit, and make corrections. Peer feedback can improve students writing skills and help them to become better writers.

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