Sunday, January 25, 2015

Blog Post 2

      I feel like the central message of this video is that the students were not given any guidance, and were not actively engaged in the activities. Therefore, they were not able to perform and participate in the way the instructor wished.  The author makes his case for his conclusion by showing how bored the students were in class and how in the end they did not understand how to perform the dance as the instructor wanted them to. I agree with the author's conclusion because in a real classroom, if you do not actively engage your students, they will not know how to do the assignment, be bored, act out, or fall asleep.

A. The normal way of teaching is becoming obsolete
     1. Students can find information anytime anywhere on: Facebook, Twitter, and You Tube
B. Teachers  are the main source of knowledge and  in the classrooms we are the filters we help them to:
     1. validate information
     2. synthesize information
     3. communicate information
     4. problem solve
C. Teachers need to ask our students to: 
     1. Remember
     2. Understand
     3. Apply
     4. Analyze
     5. Evaluate
D. Teachers need to teacher their students about :
     1. Pirating
     2. Plagiarism
     3. Copyright
     4. Show them how to be a professional
E. What does this mean for the classroom?
     1. We need to rethink the tools we are using and and the type of problems we ask the students to solve.
     2. Could discuss data using: Twitter, Facebook, crowd sourcing, online surveys and RSS Feeds.
     3. Get reliable resources using: Google, Delicious, Wikipedia, Skype, Google Docs. 
F. Lessons no matter what tools you use need to be :
    1. relevant
    2. challenging
    3. engaging
G. Entertaining/ Engaging 
     1. Entertainment is passive, Engagement is active.
     2. Entertainment is for enjoyment, Engagement is for learning.
     3. Entertainment is short lived, Engagement is long term.
     4. Entertainment is not relevant, Engagement is meaningful and applicable.
     5. Entertainment escapes problems, Engagement solves problems.
     6. Entrainment is using creativity of others Engagement is creativity of participant.
     7. Engagement should be fun and relaxing.
H. How do we provide meaningful and powerful Engagement? Where to start?
     1. See what is out there: find sites and software, do research
     2. Start small: What is something I can do in the next unit to engage my students in 21st century skills?
     3. Collaborate: don't do it alone, plan with others.
     4. Take a risk: change can't occur without conflict, try and see what will happen. Remember the big picture.

I feel that Roberts provides an excellent piece on how teaching is changing in the 21st century. Students are more technologically advanced more than ever. They will look for answers to their questions some way, even if it is negative. It is our job as teachers to help guide them with their questions/research when they are looking for answers. We need to provide them with good sources of research tools that are engaging.
If Roberts is correct, teachers will need to make sure they are engaging their students and not just entertaining them. They will have to find good sources of research tools for the students to use. 


I  believe this movie by Wendy Drexler shows that even though the students are technological advanced they still need: guidance, modeling, organization, and help in problem solving. They may be able to come up with answers on their own, but still may have questions that they need answered or problems that need to be solved. 

Harness Your Student's Digital Smarts

The thesis of Ms. Davis video is that every child can learn, but not every child can learn by pencil and paper alone. Some children will not be able to succeed that way. Students need to look things up on their own and work together as a group or team and it will help empower them.  I would have to agree with Ms. Davis. All students do not learn the same way. They have different learning styles. Some students learn easier while seeing things, and some students learn easier by hearing things. Students working together with the teacher can empower the students  to achieve success. 
Who's Ahead In The Learning Race?

As a college student and teacher, I would have to say that students in classrooms are ahead of the learning race. They are very technologically advanced. They know how to: blog,use rubrics, Skype,Twitter, research, use MP3 players, and use Google Docs. They are ready to learn and full of questions. The college students weren't as enlightened on this technology as the classroom students.

I have never heard of "Flipping" before. I think that this is a very interesting concept. I had some questions that came to mind as I watched this video. Even though as ridiculous as it may sound this day in age, one concern would be what if that student does not have access to  a computer? Also, students that have various learning styles how would this affect them? Another question/comment is how much more time is put in this for the teacher? It seems to be very time consuming. Overall, I see how this could be very useful, but not sure how it would work out. I would have to research this concept some more before using it. 
Bringing the Locker Room into the Classroom  

I believe "collaborative learning" and "teaching students the system" is a very good approach. Students can use questions and answers, discussion and debate, and problem solving. The students can research and discuss  and answers questions with each other and not rely just on the teacher.   You could definitely use these approaches in the classroom. 

1 comment:

  1. Janelle,
    I enjoyed reading your blog. Your views on the videos are very close to my own. In your "Flipping the Classroom," I wanted to bring up that the teacher would allow children use of the computers before school. This is very important in the flipped classroom since not everyone has access to a computer.
